Talking Tom & Friends Wiki

Hank: Previously, on Talking Tom and Friends...

(Ginger runs into the garage, only to be approached by the head of a vacuum cleaner.)

(Scene cuts to Angela and Ben at the diner.)

Angela: Oh, okay, can I tell you a secret?

Ben: No, don't tell me, I can't stand the pressure that comes with keeping secrets.

Angela: Right. (chuckles) You're so right.

(Scene cuts to Angela giving away her secret.)

Angela: I kinda like Tom!

(Everyone in the diner gasps.)

(Scene cuts to Ben trying to give away Angela's secret.)

Ben: (to Tom) I have to tell you something about Angela.

Angela: (covers Ben's mouth) No, he, doesn't.

(Scene cuts to Angela waking up from her dream.)

Angela: I have to make sure Ben keeps that secret!

(Scene cuts to Ben and Angela discussing the idea of a mind eraser.)

Ben: There's no device that can reach into someone's brain and erase a memory.

Angela: Can you build one?

Ben: Hmm.

(Ben writes his scientific equations on the cardboard boxes.)

Ben: Eureka!

(Scene cuts to CEO discussing the Talking Tom app.)

CEO: Why didn't you ever tell me about the Talking Tom app?

Tom: Because that app is mostly just me repeating what you say.

CEO: That's why I love it!

App: (imitates CEO) That's why I love it!

(Scene cuts to the CEO's offer)

Tom: (shakes CEO's hand) Thank you, Mr. CEO.

CEO: Hey, call me Carl.

(Scene cuts to Ginger watching the video on brain suckers.)

Host: Now, an intergalactic force of brain suckers is roaming your streets.

(Ginger researches the topic.)

Ginger: (gasps) It's on the internet! That means it must be true! I better warn everyone!

(Scene cuts to Tom and Hank walking home from their meeting.)

(Hank and Tom cheer and enter the garage, only for the garage door to slam on them. A bright light appears.)

Hank: Whoa!

Tom: Ah!

(Theme song plays)

Hank: What is that? The sun?

Tom: Ben? Is that you?

Figure: I'll ask the questions, brain sucker! What have you done with Tom's brain!

(The figure is revealed to be Ginger. He is wearing a tinfoil hat.)

Hank: Nice hat, Ginger. I bet it keeps your thoughts fresh longer.

Tom: Whatever, have you seen Ben? Because we need to par-tay to the max.

Ginger: Party? You guys are clear. The brain suckers haven't figured out how we party yet.

Hank: What brain suckers?

Ginger: The intergalactic ones!

Tom: Oh, knock it off, Ginger, there are no such things as brain suckers.

Ginger: Oh, yes, there is! And I have some bad news! They already got to Ben and Angela, but they'll never get me!

Tom: Where are Ben and Angela, anyway?

Ginger: Mmm, I can't tell you. It's too dangerous.

(Tom takes away Ginger's hat.)

Ginger: Uh, (whines) give it back!

Tom: First, tell me where they are.

Ginger: They're at Angela's. Now give it!

Tom: (gives back hat) Knock yourself out, Ginger.

(Tom calls Angela.)

(Angela receives Tom's call.)

Angela: Oh, I am not taking that one. (declines call and puts phone under pillow) Hey Ben? Uh, can you give me an update on that mind eraser thingy?

Ben: I'm almost finished.

Tom: First, Ben, and now Angela's not picking up? (to Hank) Hank, I want you to go over to Angela's and tell Ben to get over here!

(Hank salutes and marks time.)

Tom: (blows balloon and releases it) And tell him that we're going to party like the tech tycoons that we are!

(Hank marches away.)

(Scene cuts to Angela's apartment. Ben continues to build the device. Several power tools are heard. Finally, Ben enters the room.)

Ben: Behold the solution to our secret... (takes out pen-like device) ...the Mind Eraser.

Angela: Oh, I thought it'd be more, uh... impressive.

Ben: You'll be impressed when you see it erase yesterday's memories! But first, put on these protector shades. (gives Angela shades)

(Angela puts on the shades.)

Ben: Okay, I'm ready. Hit me.

Angela: (sighs) Things to do to pretend like we're not in love. Well, I mean, not love, but you know what I- here you go. (activates machine)

(Ben's memories are shown. Images of Angela and Ben disappear from the memories.)

Angela: Did it... work?

Ben: (blinks) Did what work? Hey, why aren't we at your surprise party? (screams) I mean at your surprise birthday party- (covers his mouth)

Angela: Yes! Ben, it totally worked! You're a genius!

Ben: Yeah, uh-

(Hank appears, revealing that his memories have been accidentally erased.)

Hank: Hey, uh- (blinks) could somebody tell me why I'm here?

Angela: (hides shades and mind eraser) Hank! Uh, uh... you came over to test how... comfortable my couch is!

Hank: Sure, that makes sense. Let's see... (bounces on couch) nice spring power, (fluffs cushions) cushions are suitably cushiony, (turns on TV and gasps) Angela gets the World Wide Soap Opera Network? (gasps)

Angela: Really, I do? (chuckles) I would never watch them.

Soap Opera Narrator: Previously on Hospital de Passion, Dr. Rosa y Dr. Manzana enter the tango contest. Or did they?

Hank: I don't know, but I'm not leaving until I find out!

Ben: Well, I can't remember anything more important I have to do today.

Angela: (laughs) This is silly. (tries to sit down) Move over. (sits down)

(Scene cuts to Tom waiting for Hank to return.)

Tom: (sighs) Why hasn't Hank come back with Ben? This conference starts in an hour.

Ginger: Oh, I think we both know why. (turns on vacuum cleaner)

(The vacuum cleaner sucks Tom's mouth.)

(Tom removes the vacuum cleaner and calls Hank.)

Hank: (answers call) Bueno.

Tom: Hank, where's Ben?

Hank: Ben's right here.

Tom: Well, get him over here so we can practice our speech for the Tech Stars Conference.

Hank: Yeah, right, like you're going to that thing.

Tom: Carl invited us?

Hank: Huh.

Tom: The CEO, you were there!

Hank: Oh, I get it, you're pranking me. Good one, Tom.

Tom: No. (sighs)

Ben: Hank, it's back on!

Hank: Hey, I got to go, Tom. We're binge-watching Hospital de Passion!

Tom: What?

Angela: Who's that?

Hank: Oh, just Tom, goofing around. (hangs up)

Tom: No, don't hang up- agh! What is wrong? It's like he's acting like...

Ginger: Like he doesn't have his brains? (holds vacuum cleaner to Tom's mouth)

Tom: Pass me the tinfoil.

(Ginger hands Tom a tinfoil hat. Tom puts it on.)

(Tom and Ginger decide to go to Angela's apartment to investigate.)

Hank: (watching TV show) No, Dr. Rosa. It's haunted.

(A laugh is heard on the TV. This scares Angela, who knocks over the coffee table. A container filled with hot nachos falls on Ben.)

Ben: (screams) Hot cheese! Hot cheese!

Hank: Ooh, queso, muy caliente queso.

Angela: Sorry, sorry, sorry.

(Meanwhile, Tom and Ginger pretend to be spies. They speak to each other using communication devices.)

Ginger: Come in, Brains of Stone. What's your position, over.

Tom: Copy that. I'm at the east end of the rendezvous point, over.

Ginger: Copy that. I'm at the wall stand. Do you have eyes on me?

Tom: Copy that. I'm on your six.

(Tom and Ginger pose together.)

Tom: Let's go teach these brain suckers some earth manners. And I'm all out of bubble gum. (starts entering apartment door)

Ginger: Whoa, whoa! We can't just walk through the front door. They'll totally expect it. We have to launch a sneak attack through the window. (points to fire escape)

(Tom and Ginger climb the fire escape to Angela's apartment window.)

(Angela is picking the hot cheese off Ben's body. From Tom's angle, they appear to be dancing.)

Tom: (spots Ben inside) There's Ben. And Angela. Huh. It almost looks like they're...

Ginger: They're dancing. Ugh!

(Scene shows Angela picking off Ben's cheese.)

Ben: (points to location) Uh, there.

Angela: (picks off cheese) Got it.

Ben: (points to another location) And there.

Angela: Got it.

Hank: You missed a spot, right there. (points to location)

(Angela sighs.)

Tom: So this is why they've been acting strange?

Ginger: Ugh. The only way this could be more disgusting is if they kissed.

(From Tom's angle, Angela and Ben touch lips.)

Tom: (gasps) No!

Ginger: Yuck! (gasps)

Tom: Okay. I've seen enough.

(Tom takes off his tinfoil hat. Sad music is played as he walks home crying. Images of Angela are shown in the background.)

(Tom goes home and packs his things, prepared to move out of the garage. He throws away Angela's picture.)

Ginger: Come on! Don't leave. You and I can have our own tech tycoon party.

(Tom shakes his head and closes his suitcase.)

Ginger: But what about that Tech Stars Conference? You know, that thing you wouldn't shut up about. You can't pass up such a great opportunity!

Tom: (stops) You're right. This is a great opportunity.

Ginger: Yes!

Tom: To tell everyone about my dishonest partner, Ben, and how he destroyed our company! And Hank! How could he be okay with this?

Ginger: No, no, no, you totally missed my point.

Tom: Doesn't matter! (leaves)

Ginger: Wait, don't go!

(Tom closes the door. Ginger sighs.)

(Scene cuts to Tom at the Tech Stars Conference.)

CEO: (to the crowd) Welcome to the Tech Stars Conference. It's a great honor to talk about our star speakers, Tom and Ben. Two young visionaries, workin' in a local garage. With little money and a lot of creativity, they revolutionized the tech industry and spread their vision of fun across the globe!

(Scene cuts to Ginger at the garage. Ben, Angela and Hank come home and are confronted by Ginger.)

Ginger: (holds up vacuum cleaner) Stand back!

Ben: Hey, Ginger, where's Tom?

Ginger: Oh, I can't tell you.

(Ben takes Ginger's tinfoil hat.)

Ginger: (whines) Give it back! Give it! Give it! Tom went to the Tech Stars Conference. Now give it!

Ben: The Tech Stars Conference?

Ginger: (takes back hat) He tried to reach you all day, but you and Angela were "too busy." We saw you dancing and kissing!

Angela: (gasps) Uh, oh.

(Scene cuts to CEO's speech.)

CEO: ...Tom and Ben of Tom and Ben Enterprises.

(Tom walks onstage.)

Tom: Mr. CEO, Carl, thank you for inviting us here and telling the world our story. Next slide, please.

(The slide shows a picture of Tom, Ben and Angela, with Tom scribbled out in red.)

Tom: My partner, Ben, is a dishonest girlfriend stealer! Next slide.

(The slide shows a picture of Tom and Angela with Ben's head superimposed over Tom's body.)

Tom: And since my company is now a painful reminder that you can't trust anyone, not even your closest friends, next slide,

(The slide shows a picture of Tom and Ben posing together, scribbled in blue.)

Tom: I don't want any part of Tom and Ben Enterprises!

CEO: Wait a minute, that's Ben?

Tom: So to all of you in the audience, congratulations, it's your lucky day! I'm giving away my company!

(Tom takes out stack of papers and starts distributing the sheets.)

Tom: Our inventions, our ideas, our ideas, everything. Use it, sell it, I don't even care, just take it.

CEO: Wait, seriously?

Ben: (runs onstage) Tom, stop, what are you doing?

Tom: Oh, look, everybody, it's Ben. I wish I could give him away!

(Ben and Hank pull on Tom.)

Tom: Ow, ow, quit it!

(Scene cuts to Tom being dragged backstage.)

Tom: Get... off... me... (gets dropped and grunts)

Angela: Tom, Ben and I are not together.

Tom: Can you even believe these liars?

Ginger: It's true, Tom. We saw it wrong.

Ben: It was just a snack spill, Tom. A snack spill.

Tom: What about not answering my calls? It sure seemed like you were trying to keep a secret from me.

Angela: Well, actually, we were, but now I think I have to tell you.

Tom: Too late, don't care, not listening.

Angela: The secret is...

Tom: I don't want to-

Angela: ...I like you, Tom. (sighs) A lot.

Tom: What?

Angela: Why is this so hard to say?

Tom: I don't know, but now that you said it, Angela, I like you too. A lot.

Angela: Really?

Tom: Yes. But wait, why would ever you want to keep such good news a secret, it's crazy.

Angela: Because I was afraid it would make things weird and would distract you from your work and hurt your company.

Tom: Aww...

Angela: I don't know...

Ben: Sorry to ruin this touching moment, but we don't have a company anymore, because Tom just gave it away!

Tom: Oops.

Angela: Maybe I can get it back! Okay, you guys, keep your eyes closed until I say it's safe to open them.

(Scene shows CEO giving away Tom's papers.)

CEO: So I'll take the Talking Tom app, and Greg, you can take the milkshake thing...

Greg: Woohoo!

CEO: ...and Jerry, you take a hike!

Jerry: (grunts)

(Angela takes the microphone.)

CEO: Hey, my microphone!

Angela: (to the crowd) Hey, tech tycoons, look up here! (activates Mind Eraser)

(The Mind Eraser is activated, wiping the memories of the crowd. Angela then talks to Tom.)

Angela: Okay, you can open your eyes.

(Tom opens his eyes.)

Angela: Congratulations! You're the new-old, new owners of Tom and Ben Enterprises!

Tom: What- you did it?

Ben: Thanks to my brilliant invention, one I don't even remember making, everything is back to normal.

Tom: Well, maybe not everything. (looks at Angela romantically)

(Tom holds Angela's hands and kisses her.)

Ginger: Oh, man, I can't watch this! (puts on shades)

Hank: Aww.

(Ginger takes a photo of them kissing.)

Ginger: Ugh!

Hank: (picks up Mind Eraser) Hey guys, look what I found! What does this do? (accidentally activates Mind Eraser)

Angela: Wait, no!

(To be continued...)

